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Copywriting for Branding & Marketing

USD 1030


Copywriting is an all-consuming passion. The true writer devotes body, mind, heart and soul to this task.

Much to the consternation (or bewilderment) of the rest of the team, the copywriter will painstakingly mull over every word and full stop, and occasionally fantasize about debating ‘the use of the comma’ and ‘when should you spell out numerals’.

The greatest frustration of a talented writer is that no one else seems to care, except the copy-based CD who is usually too busy to discuss copy in great detail as they would like.

For these copywriters, this is a two-day Heaven on Earth.

This two-day workshop provides them with the opportunity to dissect and analyse great copy, understand the thinking that led to it, and how to develop their own ability to write like a God.

It usually takes years for someone to be a top copywriter in any advertising firm worldwide.
And, we know your heart is set on being an awesome award-winning copywriter, you want to be mentored by the best in this industry.

The customised workshop is designed to hone your craft skills. It is an intensive crash course that will bring out the copywriter in you, who writes to deliver a particular message.
The training will focus on the Print medium as that is still the benchmark by which copywriters are measured: if you can handle Print, you can handle everything else.

By the end of the copywriting course, you should be able to:

  • Aware basic marketing principles
  • Know what makes a good brief
  • Know why we write what we write
  • Produce different styles of writing
  • Edit copy properly
  • Understand how the media thinks and behave
  • Understand the mindset of the target reader/ user
  • Deepen understanding of the basic elements of a Press Release that would attract the press and your audience
  • Write long form copy interesting enough to capture the interest of your intended readers
  • Discover new ways of getting earned digital media

Public Relations, Marketing Communication, Corporate Communication Practitioners and Copywriting Professionals.


Briefly tell us:
1. What you write
2. What kind of stories / writing do you want to be out to the media?
3. What is the frequency of publications that you require?
4. Samples of your own stories / writing

Please email to: info@iTrainingExpert.comDuring the Course:
A lot of writing will be done; please bring a laptop

Throughout the course, you will write, and write, and write until the skills are deeply programmed into you.

Module 1: Understanding Your Brief

  • A good brief clearly defines and outlines the scope and aspirations of the work/project.
  • Good Brief vs Bad Brief
  • What do you do after your client / boss briefs you?
  • Do you understand clearly what you are supposed to do?
  • What makes a good brief and how do we translate it into great work?
  • What if the brief is open? Is the answer always an ad?
  • Exercises: Look at different types of briefs and the proposed solutions

Module 2: Understanding Your Target Audience
Understanding your audience provides insights into unmet needs, as well as a thorough knowledge of the environment in which a product/service is sold. This allows a business to better develop their product/service offering and selling strategy to meet their audience's demands.

Knowing your audience helps you to make decisions on:

  • what information you should include
  • how you should arrange that information, and
  • what kind of supporting details will be necessary for the reader to understand what you are presenting
  • what would influence the tone and structure of the document

Module 3: The Role of Good Copy Writing in Marketing
Good copy writing influences the target audience's feelings, thoughts or responses regarding a product, service, brand or marketing campaign. An effective copywriter skilfully conveys the marketing message in a way that is concise and sweet, making content catchy to read and easy to remember. In short, the content must resonate with the reader.

  • The importance of effective copy writing
  • Writing: To Inform, Education, Persuade and Entertain
  • One source, many angles
  • What makes good story, and how can we produce more of it?
  • How to make sure your stories gets noticed?

Module 4: Understanding & Writing for Traditional/Legacy Media
Traditional/Legacy media include newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cable and satellite as well as billboards.

  • Wide audience pool
  • Delayed due to press times
  • Written pieces are more final
  • Less control over the message
  • One-way communication 

Module 5: Understanding & Writing for Social Media
Social media is the term often used these days to describe a variety of different digital platforms. For the purposes of this workshop, social media refers to social networking sites like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.

  • Targeted distribution
  • Immediate (ability to go viral)
  • Written pieces are dynamic
  • More control over the message
  • Two-way communication (interactive)

Module 6: Editing Your Work
Editing ensures a piece of writing is accurate, clear and correct. It's the step that gets a text ready to publish.

  • Why editing is important?
  • How to edit your work?
  • The role of a good editor
  • How to make your writing sharper, tighter and crisper?
  • How to make your story newsworthy?

Module 7: The Elements of a Press Release
The main objective of all press releases is to promote something significant and specific, and to do so clearly to the media houses. The hope is that these media houses would want to publish a story about it in their publications.

  • What makes a great press release? The 5Ws and 1H.
  • What is the objective of the press release, how else to spin the same story, and bullet-proof checklist for every release.

Module 8: Get Connected, Get Noticed, Get Published
The sole objective of media relations is to get pro bono and positive coverage for your company/client.

  • The critical role of media relations
  • Relationship! Relationship! Relationship!

Interactive presentation and practical exercises, templates / samples will also be shared.

Adjust Asst Prof USCI
M.Sc (Speech Communication - Organizational Communication) - US
B. Sc Journalism - Missouri (US)
Fellow of Public Relations & Communications Association of Malaysia

Steven is an experienced writer, editor, strategic communication specialist, PR practitioner, strategic thinker and university lecturer with over 30 years of combined media, consulting and teaching experience.

As a writer, Steven excelled in his field. He was the Kuala Lumpur-based business correspondent for the now defunct Asiaweek magazine covering regional (Southeast Asia) business. He began his career in business journalism as a staff writer/sub-editor of Malaysian Business magazine published by Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd (formerly a subsidiary of the New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd) in 1990. He was awarded the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) prize for best magazine writing in 1992 for his well-researched, exclusive cover story on Royal Selangor International. He has also led the business desk of theSun newspaper during its formative years. For his journalistic excellence, Steven was awarded the prestigious Wolfson Press Fellowship (under the Chevening Scholarship Programme) to University of Cambridge in 1996 by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Steven has done value-added branding and media strategy consulting for corporate clients as well as several leading agencies of the Malaysian government including the now corporatised Performance Management & Delivery Unit (PEMANDU), formerly of the Prime Minister’s Office, in their strategic communications initiatives. He continues to lecture and write whenever he finds time for it. He has edited many books and co-authored a book entitled, "Despite … A Novel on Teaching and Learning" in 2007.

“I'm amazed by Steven's passion for the art of communications and his advocacy for clarity of thought in media messaging. In my dealings with him, I continue to be impressed by his energy to keep improving and challenging himself. Steven's 30-year experience will be valuable to those who seek to communicate more strategically, beyond words and images.” ~ Tan Cheen Chong, Full-time mindfulness teacher at NowYourMind, Singapore.

"Steven Poh doesn't suffer fools gladly. He is conscientious and holds himself up to a high standard of professional behaviour. I have known Steven for 44 years. We were in school together; colleagues at 'Malaysian Business' magazine; his company at the time, i2Media/Leverage, published my book Liberty! From Debt-Slave to Money Master; and he has been my financial planning and investment planning client for almost 20 years. I know him very, very well. No, make that very, very, very well! If you are looking for a no-nonsense professional to work with, Steven is an ideal candidate for consideration. But if you're looking for a pliable Yes-Man, do not approach him. He is forthright, honest and frank, and has been known to rip to shreds arrogant know-it-alls who really aren't up to scratch. ~ Rajen Devadason, SC-licensed Financial Planner, Retirement Specialist, Author and Speaker

"I didn't have clear directions on writing for publications. After the course, I feel more equipped for my job. This is an excellent course and I highly recommend to all PR related personnel."  HR & Communication, Petronas ICT Sdn Bhd.

"I didn't have too much knowledge on communication and PR writing. From this course, I have gained great insights and relevant knowledge." Roshen Dev, Senior Executive, Gas Malaysia Berhad.

“Prior to attending the workshop, I was confused and had vague ideas of what entailed good PR writing skills. During the course, I see great improvements my writing skills. Writing is more impactful and I'm clearer and informed on what to do. The trainer is excellent and well prepared.” –Senior Corporate Communication, KBU International College

“Before attending the course, I feel that my PR writing skills are limited. After attending the course, I feel confident to write speech, writing on website by using the PR Communication tools that I have learnt” – Executive PR, RP Chemicals (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

" I didn't have too much experience and knowledge on how to write good PR literature. After this workshop, I feel that I am more confident in writing effectively. It was a good course and I wished I had attended earlier!" Tessa Hamid, MBAM.

"Before attending the course, I felt that I wasn't not creative and always stuck in writing. My mind was open up to look at things from different angles and now, I feel I could be better. Herna is truly an expert in the PR field. She covered a lot of topics customised to our individual needs. From the course, I see how PR Writing should look like instead of just one the one-sided marketing aspect." LK Chan, Senior Marketing and Communication Executive, KDU International College, Penang.

Normal Fee Early Bird Group Fee
Sign up 1 pax Sign up 1 pax Sign up 3 pax or more
Pay 1 day(s) before course starts Pay 14 day(s) before course starts Pay 14 day(s) before course starts
MYR 3490 per pax MYR 2890 per pax MYR 2790 per pax
USD 1030 per pax USD 850 per pax USD 820 per pax

Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

1. ONLINE PAYMENT by Credit card: You can opt to register and pay online with our latest payment integration system through our website.

2. Telegraphic Transfer- You can also opt to use GIRO or telegraphic transfer of payment via international banks.

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Feel free to talk to us today, however most suitable for you.
Mobile call/ whatsapp: +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123
Office: +603 8074 9056

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