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Power Packed Sales Presentation

USD 1030


If your business depends on selling products or services to other firms, then you and your staff need to make not only great but winning sales presentations. This 2 day Sales Presentation Skills intensive course helps your sales team to hone their sales presentation skills to a higher level through understand how to make winning presentations that show prospective clients exactly what your company can do for them.
Your salespeople will learn how to add marketing magnetism to their presentations. They will also discover how to personalize their presentations with little-known techniques used by master performers, top marketers and professional speakers as well as how to make third person endorsements into stories that have new and dramatic impact!
Imagine all your salespeople completing an Executive Briefing presentation, and it is a wild success. They have connected indelibly with their high-level audience while being memorably dramatic and uncannily persuasive. Their recommendations to go to the next level are accepted. What would such triumphs be worth to you and your company in additional sales revenue over the next five years?
They are designed to help you devise creative & imaginative solutions to problems & help you to spot opportunities that you might otherwise miss. Many of the techniques we introduce here have been used by great thinkers to drive their creativity, innovativeness & problem solving abilities
The objective of Presentation Sales Training is to support your goal of increasing the effectiveness, professionalism and confidence of all sales associates. More specifically, in the area of presentation skills, the objective is to build an even more dynamic sales force that acts as client consultants to communicate your solutions and effectively marry a client's needs to your products and services.

All participants will learn the following skills and knowledge in these information-rich sessions will learn:

  •  How to build rapport and connect with your audience instantly
  •  How to gain energy and have stage presence during your presentation
  •  How to portray a charismatic and powerful image on stage
  •  How to handle questions or unexpected questions from the audience
  •  Learn 10+ ways to grab your audience's attention within seconds
  •  Learn the powerful secrets of a Top Presenters in the world
  •  Learn to notice the signals that audience members wish you wouldn't notice, but which helps you tune your presentation more effectively anyway!
  •  Replace distracting habits with Captivating ones!
  •  How to prepare captivating presentation slides, handouts or visual aids

Delegates are advised to bring along their prepared presentations (slides/ product demo/ sales kit). Each participant will be sent a pre-course preparation kit prior to the course. Each delegate will be video recorded the before and after the workshop.

Sales team / Frontlines and sales coordinators, executive and managers who are involved in marketing and sales.

Day 1

Module 1: Secrets to Building Rapport  (The NLP Way)

  • Types of communication barriers
  • Overcoming communication barriers
  • Improving, initiating and encouraging feedback 


Module 2: Communicating Assertively

  • Understanding passive, aggressive and assertive styles
  • Moving from child and parent communication to adult communication
  • Communicating the polite and powerful way
  • Maintaining your position without being rude
  • Using positive talk to achieve positive results


Module 3: Non-Verbal Communication –Body Language

In this session, discover the different kinds of non verbal communication that influence and impacts up to 93% of what we say.

  • Personal Appearance, Gestures and Eye Contact
  • Utilizing the techniques and strategies of ‘Master Presenters’
  • Developing a ‘Charismatic Personality.
  • Precise “Modeling Strategies” for enhanced presentation skills.
  • Overcoming the common verbal stumbling blocks that sabotage credibility.
  • ‘Turning on’ energy, spontaneity and creativity at will.

Module 4: Key Positive Traits to Develop

  • confidence – being cool under pressure
  • Trustworthiness – display honesty, integrity
  • Emotional stability – rough edge free personality
  • Sense of humour – relieves tension and boredom
  • Attitude – the foundation for positive impression 


Module 5 :  Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking 

Fear is the number one reason many people do not enjoy public speaking.  This component looks at the reasons for fear, techniques to overcome fear, and gives participants a checklist for projecting the best possible image.  They will learn how to eliminate such distracting speech habits as "um," "ah," and "you know."

Day 2

Module 6: Preparing Your Presentation

  • Ideas on preparing your content
  • Analysing the Audience
  • Gathering Materials
  • Supporting your points and ideas

 Examples: Extended, hypothetical examples

  • Tips for using Examples
  • Tips for using Testimony
  • Tips for using Statistics
  • Sample speeches

Module 7: Effective use of Visual Aids

Choosing and using visual aids is an integral part of many presentations.  This session reviews available options and the benefits and drawbacks of each. Discover the secrets of what visual aids work and what don’t.

  • Tips to use interactive aids
  • Avoid using the chalkboard for visual aid
  • Make sure the visual aids are large enough
  • Explain visual aids clearly and concisely
  • Talk to your audience, not to your visual aids
  • Practice with your Visual Aids

Module 8: Delivery of Speech - Creating Dynamic Interaction

  • The four objectives every presentation
  • Avoiding the five ‘deadly sins’ that turn off listeners instantly
  • Getting people to act on what you tell them
  • A 20-point checklist to help you understand your listeners
  • Capturing your listeners’ attention in the first 2 minutes
  • Accessing your information easily and reliably through your personal ‘flow state’
  • Creating a powerful vocal image
  • Using creative ‘Ice Breakers’ for immediate rapport and interaction
  • Maintaining proper timing
  • Using your environment to empower your message

Module 9: Creative a Power Presence

  • Effective use of your ‘greatest visual aid’- body language

Module 10: The Power of Voice & Tone

In this session, participants will explore several techniques for adding vocal and visual variety to their presentation, eliminate monotonous talking and model  dynamic speaking style .</p

  • Projecting more confidence and credibility with your voice.
  • Using ‘credible’ verses ‘approachable’ voice patterns.
  • How to control – volume, pitch, rate, pauses, vocal variety, pronunciation and articulation.

Module 11:  Handling Difficult People and  Questions

  • Audience Management : Understanding and Handling Different Audience

Using the VAK diagnostic tool, participants will identify their own presentation styles, the styles of differenttypes of audience members, and how to adjust to each for better communication.

In this Experiential program, we adopt a coaching and facilitative approach through interactive workshops, self-assessments, group activities and simulations.

It is very important to engage the participants in reviewing their own outcome and so the activities are designed to illustrate key issues that the participants are facing in Selling.

The entire programme is a highly interactive. This will ensure the entire group has ample opportunity to learn and absorb the lessons with lots of activities and reviews to encourage application and integration of the appropriate values.
  • NLP  Coaching Strategies
  • Interactive Presentations
  • Powerful and Engaging Simulations or Processes
  • Debriefing –participants discuss what occurred for them during the simulations.

Member of Malaysian Institute of Management
Certified Professional Trainer, MIM
MBA (General) University of Hull,
Council of Engineering Institutions (UK) Part I & II
Associate Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers, UK
Graduate Member of Institute of Engineers, Malaysia
ISO Standardization Internal Auditor
NLP Master Trainer Certification, NFNLP US
Certified Master Conversational Hypnotherapist, IAPCH U
Certified Specialist in Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning, SNLP US

Daniel is an International Master NLP Trainer who comes with more than 30 years experience in the corporate world; out of which, 19 years has been spent on coaching and training: on Communication & Interpersonal Skills, Coaching & Negotiation skills, Sales, Management & Leadership Skills, Course Consulting, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Sub-conscious learning skills. And in the process, continually coaching and motivating all his the coaches, mentees, staff and associates to learn, grow and expand their personal paradigms and horizons.
He also has extensive marketing and sales experience; from selling single course programs to education franchise businesses; as well as single pieces of equipment right-up to multi-million US dollar projects for more than 15 years. In his last major corporate appointment as General Manager of GEC (UK), Mahkota Technologies, he was in-charge of both local and regional sales for his Division. In his tenure, he managed over 15 different products and systems, successfully securing an annual turnover of RM60 million, for both the domestic and regional markets.
Trained under Dr Richard Bandler, Daniel is a Certified Master NLP Trainer of the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Psychology, USA. He is also a Certified Master Conversational Hypnotherapist of the International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotherapist, USA.
He specializes in coaching CEOs, senior managers and entrepreneurs in highly sought-after skills in areas of people management, creative and innovative skills in leading organizations. His passions are in the study and application of the latest psychologies, mental tools and techniques in reading and handling people; especially in areas of Effective Communication and Negotiation skills, Management and Leadership Skills and Sales, applying Neuro-linguistic Programming and Subconscious Learning to accelerate adult learning. 
He recognizes the great potential within each individual and he believes in making a difference in one’s learning through his personalised, demonstrative, practical and dynamic approach in effective trainings. He makes every training experience enjoyable and valuable.  His passion for training stems from his innate desire to empower all those individuals who are keen to seek knowledge, wisdom and self improvement; so that they can be the person they need to be to have what they want.

To contact Mr Daniel for any speaking, training and consultancy engagements, please contact us at +603 8074 9056 | Mobile +6012 6869  628 | or email:


We have a faculty of  specialist and can cater to your organisation's different levels and specific needs.

For training and advisory services, feel free to contact us at or call us at +603 8082 3707 | +603 8074 9056 | +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123

“This course is really effective and relevant to my line of business. I highly recommend attending Sue’s courses. She’s the best.”David To, Executive Director, Oil & Gas
“This course is very practical and I apply my knowledge immediately at work. This course helps me so much to improve my communication skills at work. A must to attend for all!”Rosidah Yahya, Sales Manager, Petronas (Oil & Gas)
“Good training, interactive course and knowledgeable instructor. Thank you for training my staff” Ir Hasli, Director, CTRM System Integrated (Aerospace / Aviation)
“I feel more confident after the course”, Abu Sabri, Material Engineer, Melaka.
“Sue is very experience and I love the way she trains—systematic, interesting and effective”, Shahrom,  Petronas (Oil & Gas)
“Sue’s course is practical  that I learned so much in such a short time. Now I am more confident in sending out my written correspondence.” Monash University, Malaysia
“Sue has such charisma in being convincing and approachable. I like that way she handles my staff and make them realise who they are, and how best they can use their strengths to be better leaders. It has been great having Sue conduct our Communicate Clearly, Problem Solving Skills, Supervisory Leadership and Handling Difficult People programs.” Hanafiah, HR Manager, AUO Sunpower – Malacca (US/Taiwan)
Normal Fee Early Bird Group Fee
Sign up 1 pax Sign up 1 pax Sign up 3 pax or more
Pay 1 day(s) before course starts Pay 14 day(s) before course starts Pay 14 day(s) before course starts
MYR 3490 per pax MYR 2890 per pax MYR 2790 per pax
USD 1030 per pax USD 850 per pax USD 820 per pax

Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

Payment mode:

1. ONLINE PAYMENT by Credit card: You can opt to register and pay online with our latest payment integration system through our website.

2. Telegraphic Transfer- You can also opt to use GIRO or telegraphic transfer of payment via international banks.

We'd happy to help.
Feel free to talk to us today, however most suitable for you.
Mobile call/ whatsapp: +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123
Office: +603 8074 9056

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