Module 1 – Extending the Purpose of the Proposal
Module 2 – The Proposal Audience
Module 3 – Persuasive Writing
Module 4 – Building Impactful Proposals
Module 5 – Managing the Proposal Complexity
Module 6 – Closing With Impact
Module 7 – Enhancing the Proposal
Module 8 – Review, Revise & Aids
This workshop’s methodology is a combination of expert input, interactive practical exercises, group discussions.
Phd, Author-Trainer-Business & Technical Consultant, Trade Negotiator, Change Agent
Barrak specializes in training leaders world class negotiations around the Globe. He has been actively developing customized trainings and conducted them in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, the UAE, Sudan, Mauritania and Turkmenistan.
Senior Negotiator, Lead trainer, he has a clear and comprehensive understanding of what competencies are to be developed to be a successful negotiation. His abundant knowledge and experience address every situation in our fast pace business world and everyone is guaranteed to take home valuable learnings useful for their next deal.
Barrak comes to you with more than 40 years of enriched, result-oriented experience in many positions among SMEs, government agencies, multinationals and businesses.
Equipped with solid experience and a wide range of state-of-art resources and latest development, his training programs are geared towards competency development.
With only the minimum amount of necessary theory (he says the participants can read his notes later) his training/ speaking sessions are filled with mindset, behavioural and capability change activities. There is always excitement, A-Hah moments in every session at his programs.
Barrak had worked with the Audio-Visual, Automotive, Printing, Property Development, Construction, Timber and Food industries, in capacities ranging from Group Engineer, Manager, Plant Manager, Senior Negotiator, Project Director and Managing Director.
Being a Management Consultant, Management System Auditor, Trainer and Counselor, he had consulted for an even wider range of industries that includes Medical services, Financial institutions, Petroleum industries, Metal, Plastics, Cellulose and Electronic components manufacturers, and the Civil service around the world.
He graduated in Engineering from the Singapore Polytechnic in 1973 and continued with post graduate and continuing studies in Engineering, Social Science, Rubber and Plastics Technology, Training and Development, Radiation Protection, and Quality Management, with a PhD in Organizational Management from Iowa State (US).
Since 2004, he has since been training and consulting for organizations such as PETRONAS, the National Electricity Board, the National Bank, various government ministries and agencies including Parliament House, and large corporations, further to training in Mauritania, Turkmenistan, Abu Dhabi, Sudan, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Australia.
Currently, he is a senior resource faculty member for, continuously design and conduct customised trainings and consultancy for multi-national companies around the world.
As an author, he has recently published his second book via Seaburn Publishing, New York, titled ‘Pre-Emptive Thinking – Managing Problems and Threats,’ which identifies why organizations continue to have problems at their middle management and operational levels in spite of all the systems and what has to be done to resolve this. Being the first book on this thinking, its reviewers expect it to have an international impact similar to creative and critical thinking. He is now writing his third book on Insights of International Strategic Negotiation.
To contact Barrak, please feel free to email us at or call +603 8074 9056 | Mobile: +6012 6869 628
We have a faculty of specialists and who can cater to your organisation's different levels and specific needs.
For training and advisory services, feel free to contact us at or call us at +603 8082 3707 | +603 8074 9056 | +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123.
“Good training, interactive course and knowledgable instructor.” CTRM Aero Composite, Noraskihin, Engineeer
“A must for all technical personnel. Very useful and helped me a lot in making effective reports!” Astro Broadcast Corporation.
“Fantastic course, well supported by in class exercises. Well worth attending!” Anita, Human Resources Director, DHL Asia Pacific Information Service, Cyberjaya
“Very useful course – hopefully it will teach me not to be so wordy. Course very well given considering the fairly dry subject.” Fadzil Osman, Petronas.
“I was very impressed with the overall session. I have learnt new skills and I am confident what I have learnt today can be transferred into good report writing.” Mahavedran, Senior Engineer, ASTRO
"I am very happy with the outcome and will recommend to my other colleagues.”– Goh, Business Analyst, GfK Retail and Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd
“From this course, the most valuable lesson for me was have a grasp of the correct method of writing a proper report. This is a recommendable program at attend. Thanks a lot.”– TC, Foo, Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad.
“I felt unhappy with the quality of my proposal. During the training, I learned about the whole methodology and practical way of doing proposal. I love to know about how in making good drafting business with impact. I felt so satisfied and learnt tremendously a lot after undergoing this program. Dr Barrak is an excellent trainer” – Hasmafatiha Harun, Sirim Berhad
Normal Fee | Early Bird | Group Fee |
Sign up 1 pax | Sign up 1 pax | Sign up 3 pax or more |
Pay 1 day(s) before course starts | Pay 14 day(s) before course starts | Pay 14 day(s) before course starts |
MYR 3490 per pax | MYR 2890 per pax | MYR 2790 per pax |
USD 1030 per pax | USD 850 per pax | USD 820 per pax |
*This course is applicable for physical/online training
Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
1. Online Payment by Credit card: You can opt to register and pay online with our latest payment integration system through our website.
2. Bank Transfer- You can also opt to use GIRO or telegraphic transfer of payment via international banks.
3. HRD Corp Claimable Courses Skim Bantuan Latihan Khas - Applicable to Malaysian Employer Only
We'd happy to help.
Feel free to talk to us today, however most suitable for you.
Mobile call/ whatsapp: +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123
Office: +603 8074 9056