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Transformational Leadership

USD 1030

Available Sessions

Session Location Register
04 - 05 Aug 2025 SELANGOR, Malaysia Register
26 - 27 Nov 2025 SELANGOR, Malaysia Register


In this Transformational Leadership with EQ training program, explore your hidden psychology traits & behaviour in managing your organization & team using psychometrics tools.

Profiling yourself based on the skills below and transform your leadership skills to a greater level.

  • Relationship with others
  • Communication Style
  • Leadership Approach
  • Commitment & Productivity
  • Creativity & Innovation
  • Many Other Findings

Managers and leaders as well as all employees need excellent people management skills so that they can be Transformational Leaders. A good understanding of people skills would enable leaders to provide the necessary leadership to enable their teams and transform their performance. Participants will develop the ability to effectively apply people skills such as empathy, self-regulation and building bonds to achieve excellence in the workplace.

Participants will gain insights into why and how individuals get into conflicts and what can be done to prevent and resolve conflicts effectively. The seminar will enable participants to gain skills and knowledge to apply people skills in the workplace to enhance performance in their work as a leader.

This Transformational Leadership training program is designed for all professionals who need to have in-depth knowledge of people skills. The seminar would benefit anyone who is interested in developing people skills to be a better leader and manager. It would enable participants to apply knowledge about people skills to transform their leadership abilities.

DAY ONE (9.00am-5.00pm)

9.00am - 10.30am    
Module 1: Emotional Excellence For Self-Management
•    Importance of EE and people skills
•    Understanding yourself and others

10.30am -10.45am 

10.45am -1.00pm    
Module 1: Emotional Excellence For Self-Management
•    Exploring your people skills
•    People skills in the workplace
•    People skills in managing stress at work

1.00pm -2.00pm

2.00pm -3.30pm    
Module 2: Emotional Intelligence To Release Employee Creativity
•    Understanding EI and creativity in the workplace
•    People skills in enhancing teamwork

3.30pm - 3.45pm    Break

3.45pm -5.00pm    
Module 2: Emotional Intelligence To Release Employee Creativity
•    People skills to encourage creative abilities
•    Leadership skills in managing creative individuals
•    People skills to harness team creativity

DAY TWO (9.00am-5.00pm)

9.00am - 10.30am    
Module 3: : Emotional Excellence In Relating With Others
•    Understanding people’s deepest needs
•    Role of people skills in minimizing workplace conflicts
•    Reading People Accurately and Influencing Skills

10.30am -10.45am 

10.45am -1.00pm    

Module 3: : Emotional Excellence In Relating With Others
•    Effective people skills in persuading others
•    Managing self and managing relationship with others

1.00pm -2.00pm

2.00pm -3.30pm    
Module 4: Transformational People Leadership Skills
•    People skills for excellent leadership
•    Transformational servant leadership
•    Innovative leadership

3.30pm - 3.45pm    Break

3.45pm -5.00pm    
Module 4: Transformational People Leadership Skills
•    Value-based leadership to manage people
•    Developing an action plan

In this fun-filled highly experiential Leaderships training program, the training facilitator adopts a coaching and facilitative approach. It is very important to engage the participants in reviewing their own outcomes.

Member of Malaysian Institute of Management
Certified Professional Trainer, MIM
MBA (General) University of Hull, UK
Council of Engineering Institutions (UK) Part I & II
Associate Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers, UK
Graduate Member of Institute of Engineers, Malaysia
ISO Standardization Internal Auditor
NLP Master Trainer Certification, NFNLP US
Certified Master Conversational Hypnotherapist, IAPCH U
Certified Specialist in Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning, SNLP US

Daniel is an International Master NLP Trainer who comes with more than 30 years experience in the corporate world; out of which, 19 years has been spent on coaching and training: on Communication & Interpersonal Skills, Coaching & Negotiation skills, Sales, Management & Leadership Skills, Course Consulting, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Sub-conscious learning skills. And in the process, continually coaching and motivating all his the coaches, mentees, staff and associates to learn, grow and expand their personal paradigms and horizons.
He also has extensive marketing and sales experience; from selling single course programs to education franchise businesses; as well as single pieces of equipment right-up to multi-million US dollar projects for more than 15 years.

In his last major corporate appointment as General Manager of GEC (UK), Mahkota Technologies, he was in-charge of both local and regional sales for his Division. In his tenure, he managed over 15 different products and systems, successfully securing an annual turnover of RM60 million, for both the domestic and regional markets.

Trained under Dr Richard Bandler, Daniel is a Certified Master NLP Trainer of the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Psychology, USA. He is also a Certified Master Conversational Hypnotherapist of the International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotherapist, USA.

He specializes in coaching CEOs, senior managers and entrepreneurs in highly sought-after skills in areas of people management, creative and innovative skills in leading organizations. His passions are in the study and application of the latest psychologies, mental tools and techniques in reading and handling people; especially in areas of Effective Communication and Negotiation skills, Management and Leadership Skills and Sales, applying Neuro-linguistic Programming and Subconscious Learning to accelerate adult learning.

He recognizes the great potential within each individual and he believes in making a difference in one’s learning through his personalised, demonstrative, practical and dynamic approach in effective trainings. He makes every training experience enjoyable and valuable. His passion for training stems from his innate desire to empower all those individuals who are keen to seek knowledge, wisdom and self improvement; so that they can be the person they need to be to have what they want.

To contact Mr Daniel for any speaking, training and consultancy engagements, please contact us at +603 8074 9056 | Mobile +6012 6869 628 | or email:
Certified Master Performance Coach (ICF Approved - International Coach Federation)
From DC Psychology International & American Institute of Business Psychology
Certification in Colored Brain Communication
Certification in Human Drivers & Motivation
Certification in Dynamic Speaking
Certification in Curriculum Development
Certified Trainer in Emotional Quotient
Certified Professional Facilitator
Certified Trainer PSMB (Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia)
Certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Certification in Hypnotherapy from London College of Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH)

Rachel Khor is currently the Principal Trainer and Chief Learning Strategist with more than 18 years of real, hands on training experience.

Rachel Khor is also a Master Trainer in Negotiation, Sales, Leadership, Positive Work Attitude, Mental Toughness, Peak Performance, Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Drivers, Success Tools and Colored Brain, Creativity and Thinking Outside The Box, Problem Solving Skills, Master Your Mind, Communication, Goal Setting.

She is a sought after Learning & Development Strategist, People Developer, Trainer, Coach & Mentor. Her training and coaching incorporate effective evaluation methods, powerful techniques of varied disciplines and practical tools for all her learning solutions.

Participants have described her sessions as inspiring, thought provoking, energetic, highly interactive and easy to understand. Based on the belief that every individual has a core genius and the ability to soar given the right opportunities; Rachel's training methodology breaks limiting beliefs, overcomes obstacles and cultivates trust across cultures.
She received her training in USA, UK, Australia, Singapore and Malaysia. Prior to starting her own company she has worked with the Singapore Government & was the Conference Director of AIC, an international conference company listed on the London Stock Exchange, based in Australia. She has international exposure having worked for both public organizations as well as private companies in Australia, UK, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Qatar.


We have a faculty of  specialist and can cater to your organisation's different levels and specific needs.

For training and advisory services, feel free to contact us at or call us at +603 8082 3707 | +603 8074 9056 | +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123.


“Very engaging presentation. This course highlight to us the best methods used to influence and persuade people through psychology in which I know nothing of before the training” – Farid, OIM SPD, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
 “I find it hard to persuade and influence others before I attended the course, but after I was shown how to unleash my inner potentials to influence people I find that engaging people is not as difficult as I previously thought it was” – Naza, HEAD, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
“Very much liked the approach. This course teaches me how to interact effectively with the management and rest of colleagues through influencing according through behaviours that will make communication at workplace much easier than before.” – Fauzi, TS OIL, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
“I used to interact less due to lack of self-confidence but after the training I find that my views on people changed and it is much easier to connect the dots of people around me and it boost my self-confidence to further engage with people of all backgrounds in future.” – Shamri, Terminal Support, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
“NLP taught me how to manage people and assess their behaviours to get the best of interactions. This course is highly recommendable for all especially to leaders at the management level.” – Thomas, Manager, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
“I have very little knowledge on what NLP actually is and how strong it is in influencing people through behaviours but through this course conducted by the highly experienced and knowledgeable trainer, Mr.Daniel Wong I got to the opportunity to practise NLP to further benefit my role in the company.” – Akmal, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
“After the course I am now am more confident in structuring my communicating skills whether in office or in personal.” – Norrizam,  Head SIF/P, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
“This training is very useful for daily communication at workplace as it taught us how to handle different characters and how to solve issues calmly at any time.” – Asrinah, Finance Manager, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
“Very excellent and practical presentation and insights. Highly recommendable” – Mira, Manager, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
“Through this training I find out my own set of personality category and how it will enable me to use it to my advantage at my work place and life.” – Hayati, Manager ETR SSS, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
“Many practical tips given! Excellent Speaker.” – Rukayah, Manager HRM, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd
Normal Fee Early Bird Group Fee
Sign up 1 pax Sign up 1 pax Sign up 3 pax or more
Pay 1 day(s) before course starts Pay 14 day(s) before course starts Pay 14 day(s) before course starts
MYR 3490 per pax MYR 2890 per pax MYR 2790 per pax
USD 1030 per pax USD 850 per pax USD 820 per pax

Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

1. ONLINE PAYMENT by Credit card: You can opt to register and pay online with our latest payment integration system through our website.

2. Telegraphic Transfer- You can also opt to use GIRO or telegraphic transfer of payment via international

We'd happy to help.
Feel free to talk to us today, however most suitable for you.
Mobile call/ whatsapp: +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123
Office: +603 8074 9056

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