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Debt Collection Through Telephone Skills

USD 1030


The area in which the debt collection sector contributes the most is in the stabilization of lending. Debt collection will make everybody has an equal chance of receiving a loan during times of needs by collecting and closeout previous loans, giving the lenders the resources they need to grant out more loans. It helps not just those who need loans, but the lenders themselves.

Financial institutions and lenders would like to lend more money out to individuals or companies, but if they have too many defaulted loans, it is not feasible to do so. Debt collection can help limit this problem by ensuring lenders have capacity to approve more loans.

There are many ways to collect debts and one of them is by phone. When preparing to make a collection call, there are many things to consider, but none more important than understanding.

This program will help the participants to get themselves prepared with the knowledge and skills that are necessary before they pick up the phone to call debtors.

By the end of the Debt Collection Through Telephone intensive session, you will be able to: 

  • Building communication capability
  • Negotiate a payment arrangement to make the account currentBuilding Self belonging to the teamBuilding individual and team motivationBuilding rapport
  • Enhance phone communication skills
  • Understand the credit policy and know what the company is willing and not willing to accept when communicating with debtors
  • Learn to assess the economic conditions of the debtors before making the call
  • Innovate and create a strategy to receive a payment commitment from the debtors
  • Communicate with debtor directly and effectively
  • Be assertive and sensible
  • Know the risk and stay compliant
  • Speak confidently
  • Motivate and educate the debtor to pay

This course is meant to provide for managers, senior executives, and anyone concerned with debt collection, a guide to the action the managers and executives can take towards achieving and becoming an excellent organization.

ONE DAY TRAINING (9.00am-5.00pm)
Module 1 – Planning and Preparation 

  •  Background of the case
  • Background of the borrower / debtor
  • Current status of the account
  • Terms and conditions of the accounts
  • What prior collection efforts have taken place?

 Module 2 – Administration Record and Credit Policy

  • Outlines and enforcement of the policy
  • System updating
  • Borrowers / Guarantors
  • Security
  • Documentations
  • Internal and external factors that caused the accounts turn default
  • Case Study Workshop - Steps for workshop - Structure, Powerful Questions, Prescription, Analysis and Evaluation
  • Collection Strategy

Module 3- Data and Information Analysis

  • Ability to collect and analyze data, opinions and argument
  • Identify assumption - unbiased source of assumption
  • Establish significant relevant information and data
  • Communication management

Module 4 – Dialer Strategy

  • Risk category
  • Target
  • Quality assurance
  • Release Negative Emotion
  • Rapport building
  • Negotiation

Module 5 – Watch-list and EWI (early warning indicator)

  • Pre ‘NPL’
  • Qualitative and quantitative factors
  • Internal and external factors
  • Preventive measures
  • Post “NPL”

Module 6 –Principles of good phone communication skills

  • Objective
  • Direction
  • Attitude
  • Clarity
  • Empathy and sincerity
  • Listening
  • Professionalism
  • Politeness

Module 7 - Managing Feedback and Art of Listening

  • Feedback Mechanism
  • Managing feedback
  • Positive / negative Criticism
  • Feedback and communication

Our training methodology is summarised to includes presentation, interactive lectures, hands-on application, demonstration of techniques, realistic case studies, discussions, practical class work, role-play and video presentation


  • MBA, The Nottingham Trent University (UK)
  • DBS, University Technology MARA (Malaysia)
  • Adv. Certificate in Banking, Asia Institute of Management (Manila)
  • Certified Credit Professional (CCP) (Malaysia)
  • Certified Executive Coach (CEC) of International Coach Federation, USA• HRDF (Malaysia) Certified Senior Corporate Trainer
  • Certified NLP Coach (America Board of NLP)
  • Speaker for Islamic and Conventional Banking
  • Former Associate Fellow ( IBBM/ Bank Negara Malaysia)

Present Undertaking

A Senior Corporate Trainer, Certified Executive Coach and Executive Director and Board Member of Digital Connect Sdn Bhd and BerryPay (M) Sdn Bhd respectively.

Previous Undertaking

A former General Manager and Senior Vice President of Ambank Islamic / Ambank Berhad and Head of Government Sector (Apex Group of Customers). He was also on the Board of Government Link Companies. Brings over almost 30 years of experience helping corporate organizations, business executives and aspiring entrepreneurs discover success. Qualified senior management professional with significant experience in managing branch operations, corporate business transactions as well as business acquisitions for corporate/ institutional, business, and retail banking, having 30 years' track record in the banking and finance sectors, for both, Islamic and Conventional.

He was given a special task to oversee the financial health of the branches and advise to ensure its continued viability. Monitors and supervises important functions such as monitoring cash flow, determining profitability, managing expenses and providing accurate financial information.

At the Head Office level, in addition to his responsibilities to market and develop Islamic banking for the group, he was the Head of Government Business Sector (APEX Group of Customers) for banking arms in the Group beside leading Islamic Institutional, Corporate, and Business banking of the bank until he left the bank on national interest.

He was on the Board of Perbadanan Biotechnology Melaka and Melaka Biotech Holdings Sdn Bhd for almost 7 years from 2008 to 2015. Both are wholly owned by the State of Melaka, providing laboratory services for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, traditional medicine, medical device, and environmental industry.

A recipient of “Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka” and “Darjah Seri Melaka” by TYT Yang di-Pertua Negeri Melaka that grants him a title of “datukship”.

Zainal Abidin brings a strong and unique business knowledge that is demonstrated through his extensive experience as a high-ranking ex-banker. Started his career in the banking sector way back in 1985 when he was recruited as Credit Officer of the local bank before joining Arab-Malaysian Finance Berhad in 1987. He was a Regional Manager and Branch Manager of Ambank Berhad and Arab-Malaysian Finance Berhad ( Now known as Ambank Bhd) respectively for many years. Here, he helped, managed and trained staff from all categories in various areas; financial planning, sales, credits, merger –integration, collections, customer service. He developed strategies on how companies (branches and regions) see a return on investment. Managed strategic & operational aspects of branches in the region aimed at enhancing organizational bottom lines by streamlining business strategy/ sales operations, credit management, and optimizing operating overheads.


  • Played key role in launching new products for the banks - Factoring-Islamic, Ar-Rahnu, Murabahah Tawaruq Term Financing, Overdraft, Revolving Credit- Islamic, Syndication Term Financing, Housing Development Account- Islamic, Financing Product in Foreign Currency (Term Financing, Revolving Credit and Overdraft), Reactivation of Ijarah Muntahiah Bit Tamleek), Credit Card for Corporation, Islamic Trade Financing, Islamic Forex, and Musyarakah Mutanaqisah Housing Financing. Successfully enhanced the 'Bainah' concept based on directives of the Central Bank of Malaysia.
  • Head of Apex ( for GLCs, Government’s Agency, Ministries, and Local Authority ) of Ambank Group.
  • Controlling and managing risk for Islamic banking.
  • Acknowledged by the Central Bank of Malaysia for promoting "Musyarakah Venture” as one of the alternative business models to mitigate the risk of nonperforming financing and business failure.
  • Functioned as Interim Chief Executive Officer managing day-to-day business operations of Abrar Finance Berhad before take over and merger by Arab-Malaysian Finance Berhad.
  • Worked as Chief Executive Officer / Managing Director spearheading operations of the International Currency Business Unit (ICBU) of the bank as well as defining value enhancement strategies based on shareholder expectations.
  • Head of Corporate Banking to cater for bridging, property, working capital, and business financing for the development of the property as well as vessel financing and syndicated financing.
  • Instrumental in the launch of various schemes as i) Chairman of the Scheme - Shariah Compliant SME Financing Scheme (RM2.00 Billion was allocated by participating banks for eligible Malaysia SMEs with the Government of Malaysia paying/subsidizing 2% of the profit rate charged on financing). ii) Shariah Compliant Commercialization Innovation Fund (CIF) (RM500.00 Million allocated by participating banks to finance eligible Malaysian companies for Shariah-compliant innovative products/ services in the commercialization stage with the Government of Malaysia paying 2% of the profit rate charged on financing.


  • Chairman, Shariah Compliant SME Financing Scheme Committee, Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM), Apr 2011 - Jul 2015)
  • Member of the Main Committee of Agricultural Commercial Funds owned by Ministry of Finance, Malaysia, Jan 2011 – Dec 2014
  • Member of Shariah Advisory Board, DMDI Finance House Berhad, Sept 2013 till 2016
  • Fellow (Associate) of Institute of Malaysia Banks (IBBM)
  • A member of Melaka Maju Committee 2010
  • Chairman of Banking Association, Melaka Region, 2003-2006 

“I now feel confident in my ability to overcome obstacles in managing difficult customers in my profession. The trainer was really fun and resourceful.” – Executive Secretary, Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad.
“This course taught me how to be better at my job as a customer service assistant. It improved my skills and knowledge in the related fields. The trainer did a good job. Very nice!” – Front Desk, Global Facilities Management Sdn. Bhd.
“Before I attended this training I really felt like I needed to increase my skills. I felt great after I completed this course. It taught me how to improve my skills in customer service and how to approach particularly difficult people. The trainer was great. I really wish to be as firm and good as her.” – Customer Liason Officer, Energy Management Services Sdn. Bhd.

Normal Fee Early Bird Group Fee
Sign up 1 pax Sign up 1 pax Sign up 3 pax or more
Pay 1 day(s) before course starts Pay 14 day(s) before course starts Pay 14 day(s) before course starts
MYR 3490 per pax MYR 2890 per pax MYR 2790 per pax
USD 1030 per pax USD 850 per pax USD 820 per pax

Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

1. Online Payment by Credit card: You can opt to register and pay online with our latest payment integration system through our website.

2. Bank Transfer- You can also opt to use GIRO or telegraphic transfer of payment via international banks.

3. HRD Corp Claimable Courses Skim Bantuan Latihan Khas - Applicable to Malaysian Employer Only

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Office: +603 8074 9056

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