Incident analysis tools take the information obtained by the investigation process and use this to identify underlying, systemic causes. The depth of the analysis can vary from superficial factors close to the immediate causes, to deeper underlying causes and failures. These may include latent failures (e.g. a failure in design) and cultural analyses of why an organization allowed an incident to happen. Root Cause Analysis is an analysis methodology to uncover underlying causes, which is usually based on a predefined list of causal categories.
This Five-Day course provides delegates with an overview of Root Cause Analysis in incident investigation and gives them the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate an effective RCA. The participants would also learn a number of tried and tested methods to help identify the causes leading to the incident.
Such as the Influence & Causal Factors, Charting, the ‘5 Why’s’, ‘Fishbone’ or ‘Ishikawa’ Cause & Effect and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA).
Each of these methods is in widespread use throughout industry with their pedigrees going back to the early 1970’s. The case studies analyzed during the workshop would develop the participants into Professional Investigators and let them grasp how to use RCA techniques to prevent the occurrence of any future incidents.
By the end of the program, you will be able to:
Monitor and control the RCA process and ensure mitigating actions are delivered
This course provides a very enriching learning experience to the participants and encourages them to actively participate in the proceedings. The 2-way communication principle is adopted whereby the delegates learn from the industry experience of the Trainer and at the same time are given opportunity to express their views and ideas. Depending on the expertise and capability of participants they would even be encouraged to present the learning during the course by themselves with a view to optimize the retention of the knowledge shared by the Trainer.
The instructional format capitalizes on a careful balance of formal lectures by the Trainer and individual/ group exercises/ workshops. The Program will use following learning methods/ techniques:
Muhammad Salim Jandula is a Professional Development Trainer/ Speaker and a seasoned Oil and Gas Professional. He has demonstrated Safety Leadership, Training & Development, Mentoring and Communication Skills during his 30 years Operational and Training experience in Energy/ Oil & Gas and Manufacturing sectors. Apart from imparting Training, he has held Practical Leadership Roles in Plant Operations, Joint Ventures, Field Management and Procurement & Logistics.
A Professional Mechanical Engineer with Masters from USA and an MBA, Jandula has collaborated/ worked with Global Players/ Multinationals like Eni, OMV, MOL, PGNig, PPL (Formerly Burma Oil Company UK), and Al-Futaim UAE etc. A partial list of delegates in his previous programs/ conferences include companies such as:
Jandula has attended international professional development programs from Stanford University, USA, Crown Agents, UK and JCCP, Japan. He has also served as Conference Chairman and Speaker and delivered keynote addresses at the Global Conferences held in Vienna, Berlin, London, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. Among his participants, Jandula is known for his pleasing personality, applicable tools and interactive style of presentation.
Normal Fee | Early Bird | Group Fee |
Sign up 1 pax | Sign up 1 pax | Sign up 3 pax or more |
Pay 1 day(s) before course starts | Pay 14 day(s) before course starts | Pay 1 day(s) before course starts |
MYR 3490 per pax | MYR 2890 per pax | MYR 2790 per pax |
USD 1030 per pax | USD 850 per pax | USD 820 per pax |
Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
1. ONLINE PAYMENT by Credit card: You can opt to register and pay online with our latest payment integration system through our website.
2. Telegraphic Transfer- You can also opt to use GIRO or telegraphic transfer of payment via international banks.
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