Session | Location | Register |
11 Mar 2025 | ONLINE, | Register |
Many people with little or no relevant training find themselves assigned to positions in the accounts sections of their organizations. A basic knowledge of bookkeeping principles, concepts, frameworks and reporting requirements is important for anyone who is already in or likely to be posted to their accounts division.
The aim of this course is to provide employees with essential knowledge and skills in bookkeeping practices. The program will manually work through the processing cycle to ensure that participants fully understand the underlying methodology. This will ensure that participants will gain the necessary confidence in their own abilities to then apply those principles to the computerised system that operates in their area. In addition, on the rare occasion that a mistake might occur - e.g. an incorrect posting - the participants will be fully equipped with the means to remedy the error.
Accounts Clerks & Assistants, Costing Clerks / New Accounting Personnel with no formal training in accounting.
DAY 1: 9.00AM - 5.30PM
9:00am - 10:30am
Module 1 Introduction to Accounting
What is Bookkeeping and Accounting?
The Accounting Process
Role in today’s business
The Five Categories of Accounts
Assets versus Expenses
Definition of Key Terms
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Difference between Cash and Accrual Accounting
Module 2 Accounting Process And Procudures
The Accounting Equation
Transaction Analysis
Double Entry System of Bookkeeping
Extracting the Trial Balance
10:30-10:45am BREAK
10:45am - 1:00pm
Module 3 Books of Prime Entry and Business Documents
Cash Book
Sales & Purchase Journal
Returns Journal
The General Journal
Module 4 Preparing Full Set of Accounts and Trial Balance
The Payables/Receivables Ledger
The General Ledger
1:00 - 2:00pm LUNCH
2:00 - 3:30pm
Module 5 Accounting For Adjustment Entries
Preparing Basic Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Performance (Income Statement)
Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
Adjustments at Financial Year End
Matching Principle
Accrued Expenses
Unearned Revenue
Bad Debts & Provision for Doubtful Debts
Reconciliations – Bank, Receivables, Payables
Impact on Financial Statements
3:30 - 3:45pm BREAK
3:45 - 5:00pm
Module 6 Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment
Historical Cost Concept
Depreciation – Calculation & Recording
Gain or Loss on Sale
Impact on Financial Statements
Module 7 Preparation of Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Performance (Income Statement)
Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
5:00pm End of the programme
This training program will feature interactive presentations, practical exercises, group discussions and games for a stimulated learning environment.
En Suhaini Kasmuri (SK)
Chartered Accountant MBA from Asia E University Malaysia Bachelor Degree in Accounting, University Technology MARA.
SK is a certified corporate trainer and business consultant specializing in design thinking and leadership development. He speaks passionately on people development, leadership behavioral change and innovation skills development for leaders and managers, particularly with a finance focus. SK is currently a Senior Consultant at DT Leadership focusing on innovation development apart from being a trainer on finance-related programs.
He has 24 years of corporate working experience in a diverse range of industries. He has held several key senior management level positions including Chief Financial Officer of ACASIA Communications Sdn Bhd, and Fiberail Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary company of Telekom Malaysia. He carries with him over 2 decades of experience as a business controller with extensive exposure in financial management, corporate finance, and planning. He was also involved in several corporate exercises including merger and acquisition, due diligence reviews and restructuring of companies. His highest achievements include helping to grow a medium-sized organization from RM50 million to RM250 million turnover over a period of 10 years by building on innovative business focused on continuous improvement and also through merger and acquisition exercises.
He has trained hundreds of representatives from large and medium-sized organizations that include: - DHL - Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad - DRB-Hicom Group - Tenaga Nasional Berhad Among his participants, SK is known for his practical and applicable job-related content that is delivered in an interactive and engaging manner. He exerts considerable influence on design thinking focusing on finance and innovation skills with his pleasant persona during training to ensure an accelerated learning experience. When he is not training, SK consults on business on leadership development, business innovation, and corporate services. SK is a registered trainer with PSMB/HRDCorp.
Normal Fee | Early Bird | Group Fee |
Sign up 1 pax | Sign up 1 pax | Sign up 3 pax or more |
Pay 1 day(s) before course starts | Pay 14 day(s) before course starts | Pay 1 day(s) before course starts |
MYR 1990 per pax | MYR 1300 per pax | MYR 1200 per pax |
USD 580 per pax | USD 380 per pax | USD 350 per pax |
Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
1. By Credit card: You can opt to register and pay online with our latest payment integration system through our website.
2. Bank Transfer- You can also opt to bank transfer payment via local / international banks. Please send payment slip as proof of payment.
3. HRD Corp Claimable Courses Skim Bantuan Latihan Khas - Applicable to Malaysian Employer Only
We'd happy to help.
Feel free to talk to us today, however most suitable for you.
Mobile call/ whatsapp: +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123
Office: +603 8074 9056